A radical holistic edge-fusion learning space with a collection of really useful collaborative tools for making social-ecological just change.
A radical holistic edge-fusion learning space with a collection of really useful collaborative tools for making social-ecological just change.
HEdge Space
A Holistic Do-it-Together Tool kit.
Radical creative & holistic workshops to support people bring about just change, together
About the Resources Section
These resources which were generated through the research practice or created or compiled due to a knowledge gap or need identified through the final research analysis. These resources have been put together as part of the strategy approach of scaling up and working transversally in social movements.
Radical Glossary
Language Hack
Love it or hate it, language is power. It can be intimidating and alienating for people to be confronted with language and concepts that they are unfamiliar with, and language, culture and knowledge are used as tools of hegemonic oppressive power. Therefore, it is strategic for those wishing to engage in effective social movement work to take a dive into the rich lexicon of powerful language, culture and knowledge generated by social justice movements throughout history to name how oppressive power operates, and to describe ways in which we can claim power to bring about just change.
​Additionally, a difficult aspect of groups working holistically is that people will be coming together with different knowledge and cultural backgrounds. Building a glossary of terms is helpful in navigating gaps in understanding
within groups.​
Links to Ally Groups
Coalition Building
A key strategy of scaling up social movements and building power is to build strong networks and coalitions with ally groups. In this section a comprehensive list of social-environmentally orientated groups has been compiled. An Ally group may not always fully align with your agenda, know when you can, and cant, work together.
A key element of the eventual success of the Repeal the 8th Amendment movement was the effective broad based coalition campaign approach.
Radical Library
Research Bibliography
A research bibliography could sound like a pile of papers generated by the elites in the academy. However, this bibliography, though still text based, has largely been produced by people who have first hand experience of social movements and activism and have brought that knowledge into the academy and scholarship. Some of the bibliography has not been formally published or peer reviewed, yet it is considered valid knowledge by social movements who can collectively verify its contents.
Radical Glossary
Really Useful Questions
for Groupwork Sessions
Social Movement Ecology Map
Coalition Building
Love it or hate it, language is power. It can be intimidating and alienating for people to be confronted with language and
A social movement ecology map is simply a map of the different social movement organisations that you are linked to or know off and could link too. The map on this page contains some of the organisations that were mentioned or interacted with during this research. Try making you own map to see how big your network is and identify who you could reach out to to make it bigger and stronger.
These 'really useful questions' (Harvey, 2022) were asked by co-researchers throughout the research lifecycle. The questions generated through our holistic praxis workshops informed the direction of our research. They can be used by facilitators to stimulate dialogue in praxis workshops.
Radical Glossary
Love it or hate it, language is power. It can be intimidating and alienating for people to be confronted with language and
Links to Ally Groups
Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.
Radical Library
Love it or hate it, language is power. It can be intimidating and alienating for people to be confronted with language and
Radical Glossary
Love it or hate it, language is power. It can be intimidating and alienating for people to be confronted with language and
Links to Ally Groups
Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.
Radical Library
Love it or hate it, language is power. It can be intimidating and alienating for people to be confronted with language and