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Outreach Workshop 2

Date: November 2021

Purpose: Outreach

Location: Gort Resource Centre

Participants: 1

Duration: 2 Hours

Praxis Workshop Structure:

The outreach workshop was organized into seven short activities:

  1. Participants meet and greet using post-its.

  2. Individual reflection through creative play using mixed media art materials & natural materials (e.g leaves and sticks)

  3. People share back insights from activity. to the group

  4. Facilitator offers the group an information input on AR-PAR,

  5. The group engages in a collaborative co-researching activity based on the broad question
    'How do we make social-ecological change together? 

  6. The group reflects on this activity and what thoughts or feelings it generated for them.

  7. Individual workshop evaluation and share back. Benefits (usefulness), challenge's of the process. Next steps.

This was a two hour workshop but could be expanded into a 2 day workshop depending on the context.


This was a unique outreach workshop, having only one participant due to a number of last minute cancellations. None the less It was an opportunity for the person to explore the workshop practice and research, reflect on their own reasons for coming to the workshop, their social and environmental concerns, their activism and consider if they wished to become more involved in the project.

Participant motivations for coming to the workshop


..I want to make more art in a collaborative way
and process and act on environmental destruction

I just feel a bit helpless and like, oh my God, capitalism is destroying the planet

Individual Play Activity

As the person is working alone I leave space for them to explore through the materials without setting a time and instead wait for them to feel finished. I take this time to play with materials too so the space feels more collaborative. In other outreach sessions i did not particpate in activites.

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Play Outcomes 

After the activity EC spoke about thier sense of overwhelm due to the ecological collapse. The participant mentions in the session a lack of capacity for other forms of activism such as strategies, social media campaigns. They are clear about their political positions

Benefits and usefulness, challenges, considerations suggestions

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Key Generative themes that were produced through this workshop

Artistic and collaborative ways to process and act on environmental destruction,

Campaign work is too heady

Nature, Landscape, Emotion,
Public, Performance

Overwhelmed by Ecological collapse. Feels helpless, capitalism is destroying the planet.

Anti-Racist and Feminist position


Participant engagement through the project.

This participant became a co-researcher. They attended two core workshops and missed two. They were involved in designing a creative collective action which occurred over two workshop events at Climate Camp 2022 and a zine making workshop. Below is a diagram of their praxis journey

EC Praxis trail dates title blue_edited.jpg

© HEdge Space 2023

'To be truly radical is to make hope possible rather than despair convincing'. Raymond Williams 



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