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A radical holistic edge-fusion learning space with a collection of really useful collaborative tools for making social-ecological just change.
A radical holistic edge-fusion learning space with a collection of really useful collaborative tools for making social-ecological just change.
HEdge Space
A Holistic Do-it-Together Tool kit.
Praxis tools to support people bring about just change, together
Key Concept
Praxis and Holistic Eco-Embodied Praxis

Giselle Harvey: Digital Illustration of Praxis, 2022
Praxis, in the Freirean tradition (1970) is a form of experiential learning specifically orientated to emancipatory social justice action.
Clover (2015), following Freire, working in the social-ecological justice paradigm describes praxis as a process which:
respects and nurtures patterns of knowing that are rooted in the spirit and the land; provides opportunities to critique, reflect and experience. It encourages hope, imagination, creativity and action, and promotes flourishing human-earth relationships. (p. 26)
Praxis is often undertaken through verbal communication.
In this research, following on from both Freire and Clover, a holistic creative eco-embodied praxis was designed as a less verbal and more nature connected approach to praxis. This aimed to enable to people to engage with collective reflection, dialogue and plan collective actions together using embodied modalities, such as art and craft, tinkering with technology, or making wool or hay and when possible, to work in, and with, nature,

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